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Our family has been through a lot of changes this year. First our home birth last November, adding a wonderful new addition to our blue world (I can’t believe that was almost a year ago!). Then, just a few weeks later, my husband accepted a new position involving frequent travel, on short notice, and for unknown periods of time. Being the brilliant engineer that he is, there were several job offers on the table. One was for a nice, stable, 9-5, stay in Cincinnati kind of job. The other we were told would involve ‘frequent’ travel throughout the US, and possibly internationally. The choice seemed pretty clear cut to me at first. I don’t think it will surprise anyone who knows me to say that I’m a homebody. I live 20 minutes away from my parents and the house that they moved into when I was 8 months old. I married the boy I’ve known since kindergarten, and we hang out with the same friends we’ve had for over 20 years. I have attended the same church every Sunday for my entire life. If it weren’t for my children I would be borderline agoraphobic. But every time someone asked about the job search, and I listened to him describe the two offers…I could see it. I could feel it. He lit up when talking about the job with travel and adventure. Something different had been sparked for him, something I wasn’t yet quite sure about. But I knew my husband was excited for the change, so I pushed down the butterflies and said ‘why not.’
We’ve only been on two business trips so far, totaling a mere 3 weeks away, but so much has changed! I can pack up all of our belongings in a matter of hours (and then promptly unpack, did I mention we don’t get a lot of details?) I can give you an accurate account of which Pinterest road trip tricks actually work…..and more importantly those that don’t. And we quickly discovered that hotel dwelling was not exactly what you’d call exciting with three young kids (though they still ask to go back to Kansas City… because, “mom, the hotel had TWO ELEVATORS!”). So this week, faced with a 6-8 week stay in another hotel with only a mini fridge and a microwave, we decided to impulse buy a travel trailer. Say hello to our new home away from home. If you told me a few years ago that I would be traveling the US with my three young kids in a travel trailer I would have laughed (and then maybe asked you what the heck is a travel trailer?). But somehow in the past few months things have changed. That spark my husband had was contagious, and call me crazy, but I’m excited! I’m craving change and adventure in ways I never imagined I could. We’re even talking about making it a full time deal. Selling the house, getting rid of all of our possessions, and going for it! I mean, everyone already calls us hippies anyway- cloth diapers, breastfeeding, home birthing….next natural step is trailer dwelling, right??
But aside from the fact that it sounds cool. And downsizing is sooo trendy. And those Pinterest RV renovations are to die for (mentioning Pinterest twice in my first post…. addiction much?). Aside from all that, I’ve found a deeper desire for this lifestyle. A lifestyle stripped of possessions, of expectations, of obligations. One that forces me into that unknown I’ve been so afraid of with nothing to hide behind. No more ministry titles to help me define my relationship in Christ (for myself, and others). No more sitting in silence next to that new mom at the park, burrowing in the safety of regular play dates and longtime friends. I’ll actually have to talk to people. And don’t get me wrong, all of this still terrifies me. But now I joyfully look forward to the day when it doesn’t.